Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Our local club

I am excited about the next couple of months for our local club.  We are again hosting our annual Jamestown weekend special event.  This year, there is lots of attention on Jamestown and there are at least 3 other special event stations from Virginia that weekend.  Of course, we can always claim our role as being the first special event station to be operated from Jamestown to celebrate the landing there.   This year, we are talking about extending out our presence to the whole two week period that we have the special 1 X 1 callsign.  We are proud to have operated from the original location of Jamestown since our first special event in 1995.  That event was rather special as we had a large number of hams show up.  I remember being there with Larry (W3MGL), Mike (W4NYY), Nick (N1HKK) (SK), J.D. (WA4RBC) (SK), Tom (KD4UZH), Ray (AC4PV) and a few others that I am sure that we missed.  That first one was a long day, because we had to be set up by 9am and our truck off the island.  We then could not bring the truck back on the island until at least 4:30pm.  But, it was a lot of fun, and I would not have traded that experience for anything.  Unfortunately, I will have to work anniversary weekend (they already told us all leave is cancelled), so I cannot go down and operate, but maybe I can operate from my home or another shack to keep the W4J call on the air.


Next, we are talking about getting some upgrade classes going and to also encourage elmering.  That will go a long way and I am looking forward to seeing our people advance in the hobby.


We are also looking about getting our club breakfasts started again.  In the past, these were always a lot of fun and they went a long way in building friendships.


So, it is going to be an exciting few months.

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