Friday, December 15, 2006

A Wonderful QSO

Today while on my way to a seminar in Richmond, I ran into Curt, K9CH, who moved from Newport News to Hopewell this past summer. It was a wonderful QSO and I enjoyed catching up on everything with him. He is a professor who teaches communications and is just a fantastic guy. He gave a presentation on photography at the Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club meeting a number of months ago that everyone enjoyed thoroughly. He is a very talented person and a whiz with CW. He was John's (my youngest son's) first ever HF QSO and went the extra mile to make up a certificate for him and personally hand delivered it to him. There are a number of wonderful hams out there and I am priviledged to know and associate with many of them. I miss having Curt in the area for our almost daily QSO's.

On the way home, I was able to talk to Curt more until his wife, Edie came home and I let him get off the radio and spend time with his lovely wife.

So, it was great to hear Curt and to have his company as I motored in the Richmond area today. I am hoping that we can have more of these in the future.

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