Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ringing out 2006

Well, it has been a whirlwind last couple of weeks. I have had a little time to play on the radio. I was able to make contact with Jim (WX3B) while he was operating the special event stations K3C and K3N.

I was never able to work (or even hear) the VU7LD operation. I was rather upset about that. I sure would have loved having a new country.

I made my first PSK31 QSO by accident!!!!! I was fiddling with the setup trying to get it to key up the radio, when I hit the CQ button. Next thing I know, I have a Cuban station coming back to me!!!! But I still have some issues as the rig is still keying up after it finishes transmitting. So, there is still work that needs to be done there. But, it was interesting!!!!

I have been working DX stations, but no new ones. So, I can't wait for the next DX contest so I can see if I can add a new one or two.

The holidays have put a damper on the tower project, but I am hoping to get the permit process started over the next week or so.

I did get a chance to work both W1AW and W1F for the end of the Hello Program that was celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first radio broadcast in 1906.

I accidentally entered the RAC Winter Contest. This was not planned, but I heard someone calling "CQ contest" on 80 meters and I just had to check it out. I wound up making 20-something contacts while I was looking for DX and special event stations last night (Friday) and today (Saturday).

So, there it is......It is now officially getting close to the end of the year and I am hoping to work a few more before the year ends. I might enter the CQ DX marathon, but I will have to see. It just depends on how much time I can set aside to do it.


Jeff, KE9V said...

Congrats on your first PSK31 contact - even if it was by accident! HI HI

73 de Jeff, KE9V

W4TMN said...

Thanks, Jeff. I will take the contact any way I can get it!!! But, I am hoping to get it set up correctly soon and be able to make plenty of contacts via PSK soon.