Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Busy times!

I ordered a 40 foot self-supporting tower on December 4th. I called Universal Tower yesterday and they said that it is expected to ship the end of this week or the first part of next week. It will be greatly welcomed here!!!

I have watched the 3Y0X DVD that I ordered here a few weeks ago. I would love to be able to go on a DXpedition sometime!!! Larry and I are planning our mini-DXpedition and all is going well on that front. We are going to do a test run at Larry's with the Buddipole set up in his driveway. If that turns out well, we are then going to go out to a location and see how many contacts we can rack up.

Tonight, I bought an automatic antenna tuner from one of our club members. I am looking forward to seeing how it helps my contesting. I have installed it and it seems to work just fine. I will give it a shot over the next few weeks and hopefully it will cut down on tuning time.

We had our club meeting tonight and we are definitely going to be setting up a special event station for the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown next May. My work schedule does not lend itself to operating a lot from the special event stations, but I am hoping that I will get some time to go down and get on the air.

So, lots of things coming up.........These are going to be exciting times!!!!

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