Sunday, December 09, 2007

The conspiracy continues.....

Yesterday things were going fairly well at Larry's during the 10 meter contest when my wife called me to say that an FBI agent would be at my house around noon and I needed to be there. Well, I left Larry's and went home that morning about 11:30. Actually, 2 FBI agents arrived and after we went out to a late lunch/early dinner, they went back to Washington DC. I was not taken into custody, and matter of fact, enjoyed my time with the agents immensely!!! In all seriousness, one agent was my favorite cousin and so it was worth every minute being away from the radio. My score suffered greatly for being away for 6 hours from the radio during the most active time on the band, but there is life beyond contesting!!!! Not much, but there is some.......

So, my only hope is that I will be able to make up lost ground on Sunday!


Unknown said...

Well it is not every ham that can say their contesting was interrupted bu the FBI



W4TMN said...

That is true.....The FCC yes, but the FBI no.

