Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I just realized that it has been over a year since I have posted anything on here…..
Let’s see what has happened during the past year:
My wife developed cancer and had it removed
I have inched my way to the last class for my degree with graduation in May 2010
Transferred from midnight shift to day shift
Work never decreases, only increases
My daughter broke her leg
I made my first trip to Dayton
I was inaugurated as president of the Virginia chapter of NENA
PVRC won the gavel for Sweepstakes
My elmer W3MGL moved to PA and left me to fend for myself
And I still got into a few contests!!!
As I am on my winter break from classes, I am hoping to get caught up on some QSL work along with ham reading, getting caught up on this blog and getting some time in the shack to play radio.
In January, I am going back to midnight shift for 6 months with my weekends almost all free (only have to take off Sundays to play in contests that way).  I am hoping to get back into some more contests during this time as long as my class will allow.  Of course, the class ends just prior to WPX!!!
More later!

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